- Buyer Selenia Villalobos
- Seller Selenia Romero and Selenia Villalobos
- Buyer Selenia Villalobos
- Seller Angel A. and Selenia Villalobos
- Buyer Selenia Romero
- Seller Queenie H Lam and &M. M. (living trust)
- Buyer Queenie Lam
- Seller Francisco and Guadalupe Suarez
- Buyer Queenie Lam
- Seller Francisco Suarez and Guadalupe Suarez
- Buyer Guadalupe Suarez and Francisco Suarez
- Seller Sutton Funding LLC
- Buyer Sutton Funding LLC
- Seller Gilberto Andujo, Angel Ibarra (Co-trustee), Old Republic Natl Title Ins (Trustee) and Old Republic Default Mgmt Serv Div
- Buyer Gilbert Andujo and Angel Ibarra
- Seller Jose Contreras
- Buyer Jose Contreras
- Seller Martha R. and Harold R. Brown