- Buyer Archana Singh and Manish Ghayalod
- Seller Merrillyn Sue Wright, Merrillyn Sue Thomson and L Bryan Revoc Survivor'S Earline (Trust)
- Buyer Earline L Bryan and L Bryan Revoc Survrs Earline (Trustee)
- Seller Stern Rodolfo and Stern Tania
- Buyer Stern Rodolfo and Stern Tania
- Seller Prudential Residential Svcs Lp
- Buyer Prudential Residential Svcs Lp
- Seller Homer Sun
- Buyer Homer Sun
- Seller Edward A Berman and Myra H Berman
- Buyer Edward A and Myra H Berman
- Seller Laura Goodman
- Buyer Laura Goodman
- Seller Andrew Goodman