- Buyer Mathew Porcu and Dania Permesly
- Seller Endora Defilippo
- Buyer Endora Defilippo
- Seller Michael Quimuyog and Endora Defilippo
- Buyer Endora Defilippo
- Seller Michael Quimuyog and Endora Defilippo
- Buyer Endora Defilippo and Michael Quimuyog
- Seller Endora Defilippo
- Buyer Endora Deflippo
- Seller Nicholas Zounis and Lisa Zounis Evangelina K. Zounis
- Buyer Nicolas T Zounis and Lisa J Zounis Evangelina K Zounis
- Seller Scott Hansen and Naomi Hansen
- Buyer Scott E Hansen and Naomi Hansen
- Seller Fannie Menga-Keeney