- Buyer Angelica M Perez Castellanos
- Seller Consuelo and Diana Atty Lopez
- Buyer Consuelo Lopez
- Seller Marcos E Larralde
- Buyer Marcos E Larralde
- Seller Nestora Terrero, Nestora T Despeing, Leonardo Speingjimenez and Leonardo Speing Jimenez
- Buyer Leonardo Speing Jimenez and Nestora T Despeing
- Seller Ramon Cruz and Alina Cruz
- Buyer Ramon Cruz and Alina Cruz
- Seller Warren A Berg and Gladys E Berg
- Buyer Warren A Berg and Gladys E Berg
- Seller David A Lewis III and Alice F Lewis
- Buyer Alice E Lewis and David A Lewis
- Seller Warren A Berg and Gladys E Berg
- Buyer Gladys E Berg and Warren A Berg
- Seller Warren A Berg and Gladys E Berg