- Buyer Nehal Patel
- Seller C Jaxon Properties LLC
- Buyer C Jaxon Properties LLC
- Seller Virgie Unger Gibson
- Buyer C Jaxon Properties LLC
- Seller Virgie Gibson
- Buyer Virgie Unger Gibson
- Seller Of Veterans Affairs Secretary and Stones Throw Condo Assn In Bldg 2
- Buyer Veterans Adm Usa
- Seller Freedom Mtg Corp and Loan Care
- Buyer Freedom Mtg Corp
- Seller Spouse Of Jonathan S Compton Unknown and Jonathan S Compton
- Buyer Freedom Mtg Corp
- Seller Spouse Of Jonathan S Compton Unknown and Stones Throw Condo Assn Inc
- Buyer Stones Throw Condo Assn Inc
- Seller Jonathan S Compton and Spouse Of Jonathan S Compton Ford Motor Cr Unknown
- Buyer Jonathan S Compton
- Seller Jonathan S Compton and John S Compton
- Buyer Jonathan S Compton
- Seller David J Marsicano and Stones Throw Condo Assn Buildi
- Buyer David J Marsicano
- Seller Laura J Allison and Richard D Allison
- Buyer Laura J Allison and Richard D Allison
- Seller Marguerite A By Atty In Steuer and Victoria Atty In Fact Paradise