- Buyer Lashekia A Jackson
- Seller Habitat For Humanity Of Pinellas County Inc
- Buyer Habitat For Humanity Of Pinellas County
- Seller St Petersburg Florida
- Buyer Habitat For Humanity Of Pinellas County
- Seller St Petersburg Florida
- Buyer Petersburg St
- Seller Northwest Housing Fund LLC and Morcap Fund Advisors LLC
- Buyer Northwest Housing Fund LLC
- Seller Realholdings LLC
- Buyer Realholdings LLC
- Seller Deutsche Bank Natnional Trust Co Tr and Ameriquest Mtg Securities Inc
- Buyer Realholdings LLC
- Seller Deutsche Bank Natl Trust Co Tr and Ameriquest Mtg
- Buyer Deutsche Bank Natl Trust Co (trustee)
- Seller Josephine L Robinson and Josphnine L Wilson
- Buyer Josephine L Robinson and Freeman Robinson
- Seller Josephine Robinson and Josephine L Wilson