- Buyer Colin L Jones and Juliet A Jones
- Seller Petersburg St
- Buyer Colin L Jones and Juliet A Jones
- Seller Petersburg St
- Buyer Petersburg St
- Seller Marco Community Bank
- Buyer Marco Community Bank
- Seller Scott Lubik and Lubik Land & Holdings Co LLC
- Buyer Lubik Land & Holdings Co LLC
- Seller Wachovia Bank N A
- Buyer Wachovia Bank Na
- Seller Thomas Mellor and Teresa Lane
- Buyer Thomas Mellor
- Seller Lynn C Fox and William J Beaulieu
- Buyer Lynn C Fox and William J Beaulieu
- Seller Bonnie McLeod
- Buyer Bonnie McLeod
- Seller Easter Properties Inc
- Buyer Mark Easter
- Seller Freedom Mtg Serv Inc
- Buyer Freedom Mortgage Services Inc
- Seller Ameriquest Mtg Co
- Buyer Ameriquest Mtg Co
- Seller Robert L Norman