- Buyer Segis Fredo and Victoria Elizabeth Alfaro
- Seller Vito and Domenica Scarabaggio
- Buyer Vito Scarabaggio and Domenica Scarabaggio
- Seller Michael Edward Emond
- Buyer Michael Edward Edmond
- Seller Dawn Burgess and Lisa Carey
- Buyer Mathilda Rapp
- Seller Donald Rage
- Buyer Mathilda Rapp
- Seller Arlene Pr Bongiorno and Marie Stubenvoll
- Buyer Mathilda Rapp
- Seller Joan Marcatante
- Buyer Mathilda Rapp
- Seller David Rage
- Buyer Mathilda Rapp
- Seller Robert Rage
- Buyer Mathilda Rapp
- Seller Arlene Pr Bongiorno and Marie Stubenvoll