- Buyer Juan E. Olivas and Marla Martha Ollvas
- Seller Neighborhood Housing Services of Southern Nevada Inc.
- Buyer Neighborhoad Housing Services of Southern Nevada Inc.
- Seller US Bank National Association Ee
- Buyer US Bank National Association Ee
- Seller National Default Servicing Corp. and Randolph E. and Lonnie Slider
- Buyer Randolph E Slider and Lonnie Slider
- Seller Jessie Garrie Redmayne and Joshua R Marshall
- Buyer Jessie Garrie Redmayne and Joshua R Marshall
- Seller Jessie Redmayne and Josh Marshall
- Buyer Jessie Redmayne and Josh Marshall
- Seller Jessie Redmayne
- Buyer Jessie Redmayne
- Seller Boris Merezko and Maria Leticia Merezko
- Buyer Boris Merezko and Maria Leticia Merezko
- Seller William E - Johnson (Trustee), Charlotte R - Johnson (Trustee), and Johnson 1998 (Revocable Trust)
- Buyer William E Johnson
- Seller Wayne G Stark and Sheila A Stark