- Buyer Treasurer Clark County
- Seller Mehial S Evseff
- Buyer Treasurer Clark County
- Seller Mehial S. Evseff
- Buyer Treasurer Clark County
- Seller
- Buyer Dolfus Abad and Yolanda Abad
- Seller Las Vegas City and John Hanks
- Buyer Mehial S Evseff
- Seller Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (Trustee)
- Buyer Deutsche Bank National Trust Company
- Seller Deutsche Bank National Trust Company
- Buyer Deutsche Bank National Trust Company
- Seller National Default Servicing Corporation, Dolfus Abad, and Yolanda Abad
- Buyer John Hanks
- Seller Las Vegas City, Dolfus Abad, and Yolanda Abad
- Buyer Dolfus Abad and Yolanda Abad
- Seller Tricia R Falk
- Buyer Tricia R Falk
- Seller Kb Home Nevada Inc