- Buyer Yu Zhou
- Seller Dimon S Wu
- Buyer Dimon S Wu
- Seller Ganchimeg Ochir
- Buyer Dimon S Wu
- Seller Citibank Na (Trustee)
- Buyer Citibank Na (Trustee)
- Seller Miguel Angel Guerrero and Olga Guerrero
- Buyer Olga Guerrero
- Seller Miguel Angel Guerrero and Olga Guerrero
- Buyer Olga Guerrero
- Seller Angel Uriel Guerrero
- Buyer Olga Guerrero
- Seller Miguel Angel Guerrero
- Buyer Angel Uriel Guerrero
- Seller Nicolae Chirila and Valerie Cristescu
- Buyer Nicolae Chiirla and Valeria Cristescu
- Seller Ming Chee Lim, Wai Ying Lim, and Wai Ying Chiu