- Buyer Tomer Shemesh
- Seller Stanton Charles Ee and Alexis Grace Ee Snyder and Gsa the (living trust)
- Buyer Stanton Charles Ee and Alexis Grace Ee Snyder and Gsa the (living trust)
- Seller Alexis G. and Stanton C. Snyder
- Buyer Alexis G Snyder and Stanton C Snyder
- Seller Abraham Espinoza and Virginia Espinoza
- Buyer Abraham Espinoza and Virginia Espinoza
- Seller Lieselotte Bryant and Earl Bryant
- Buyer Lieselotte Bryant and Earl Bryant
- Seller Sean R White, Sarah L White, Sarah L Wife, Nick - Gurgevich (Trustee), and Nick Gurgevich (Living Trust)
- Buyer Lieselotte Bryant and Earl Bryant
- Seller Sean R White, Sarah L White, Nick - Gurgevich (Trustee), and Nick Gurgevich (Living Trust)
- Buyer Sean R White, Sarah L White, and Nick Gurgevich
- Seller Housing And Urban Development
- Buyer Homeside Lending Inc and Bancboston Mortgage Corporation
- Seller Professional Lenders Alliance Llc, Zoila Gomez-Rosales, Professional Lenders Alliance Corp, Aurora Navarro-Gomez, and Gustavo Navarro-Gomez
- Buyer Zoila Gomez-Rosales, Aurora Navarro-Gomez, and Gustavo Navarro-Gomez
- Seller Judy F Marshak