- Buyer Minah and Savannah Rotahna Popal
- Seller John Edward Indiv and Attorney and Paula Livingston Walvoord
- Buyer John Edward and Paula Livingston Walvoord
- Seller Michael Carothers, Enright Kelley Ann 2022 (revocable trust) and Kelley Ann Indiv and Enright (trustees)
- Buyer Kelley Ann Enright (trustee) and Enright Kelly Ann 2022 Ua Dated June 22 2022 (revocable trust)
- Seller Enright Kelley Ann 2018 Dated October 20 2018 (living trust) and Kelley Ann Enright (trustee)
- Buyer Enright Kelley Ann 2018 (living trust)
- Seller Michael Carothers and Kelley Ann Enright