- Buyer Guadalupe Martinez
- Seller Amc Mortgage Services (and others), Asset-Backed Notes Series 2005-W1 (and others) (and others), Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (and others) and Registered Holders Argent Mortgage Loan
- Buyer Argent Mortgage Loan (and others), Asset-Backed Notes S2005-W1 (and others) (and others) and Deutsche Bank National Tc
- Seller Ileana Castellanos (and others), Sandy Dasigenis (and others) (and others) and Luis Dominguez
- Buyer Ileana Castellanos (and others) and Luis Dominguez (and others)
- Seller Sandy Dasigenis
- Buyer Ileana Castellanos (and others) and Luis Dominguez (and others)
- Seller Richfield Homes Tdslp (and others) and Ricardo Sabella (and others)